Language and the Law: Interpreting and Translation in Legal Settings


Legal Conference poster

The Association of Translators and Interpreters Ireland (ATII) (formerly the ITIA) and the DCU Centre for Translation and Textual Studies are holding an all-day, in-person conference, on Friday 24th May 2024 at Dublin City University:

Language and the Law: Interpreting and Translation in Legal Settings

The conference provides a unique platform for a professional and practice-based multi-disciplinary, multi-stakeholder event, both national and European, bringing together legal professionals, researchers, trainers in the legal and language arenas, relevant NGOs and language professionals.
In Ireland, the lack of regulation of translation and spoken language interpreting has given rise to concerns about standards, lack of due process, and potential miscarriages of justice. See for example DPP (at the suit of Patrick Fahy) and Darius Savickis (2019) in relation to interpreting in a garda station. Or the historic Court of Appeal judgement in DPP v H.M. and B.O. (2021) where it was held that the interpreting provided in court was inadequate.
The conference will focus on the challenges and complex needs inherent in multilingual communication in three settings: garda stations, the courts and international protection. In addition, the issue of legal translation in the public, private and corporate domains will be addressed, specifically in relation to risk and liability. Finally, best practice relating to the training, qualifications and work of legal translators and interpreters, in particular their work in conjunction with other stakeholders in legal settings, will be showcased.
Confirmed speakers include Barbara Rovan (President of EULITA, the European Legal Interpreters and Translators Association), John O’Shea (Chairperson of FIT Europe), Professor Lorraine Leeson (Centre for Deaf Studies, TCD), Professor Yvonne Daly (Professor of Criminal Law and Evidence, DCU), James MacGuill (SC), solicitors Wendy Lyon and Dia Silverstein, and Sarah Jane AberĂ¡sturi, legal translator and Chair of the ATII Certification SC.

We look forward to a hugely interesting and productive conference!

To find out more please follow this link to the Conference programme and registration details.

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