Professional Membership

Experienced translators and interpreters who meet the required criteria can apply for Professional Membership.

Membership requirements

Professional Membership is awarded to translators or interpreters who meet the strict criteria of the ATII with regard to:




Achieving a PASS in the annual ATII Professional Membership Examination


Level of documented translation and/or interpreting experience

For further information please consult the detailed application criteria in relation to required qualification and required evidence of translation and/or interpreting experience.

Application process

The ATII Professional Membership Sub-Committee organises the application process and the examination for professional membership. Applications are accepted once a year.

The compulsory webinar for those intending to apply for Professional Membership of the ATII will take place on

  • Saturday, 16 November 2024, 11 am

The link to the PM information webinar will be provided the day before. Please email to register for the webinar.

The deadline for receipt of applications (by email only) is

  • 5 pm on Friday, 29 November 2024

The Professional Membership examinations will be held on

  • Friday, 14 February 2025 (translation out of English) and
  • Saturday, 15 February 2025 (translation into English)


Please read the document ATII Professional Membership application procedure carefully. It explains the application process in detail and will aid you in submitting your application.

Application documents

When sending in your application, please make sure the following documents are included:

Please use as few files as possible and label the documents as explained in the procedure document.

For further details please contact

Professional Members of the ATII who specialise in legal translation may be interested in becoming an ATII Certified Legal Translator.

ISO 17100:2015 Qualified status

ISO 17100:2015 Translation Services – Requirements for Translation Services is an internationally recognized standard for the provision of translation services and was introduced to meet the market demand for a universally accepted benchmark. It is not a quality standard, but it sets out the requirements that are necessary for the delivery of a quality translation service.

ISO 17100:2015 Qualified status is a new service offered by the Association of Translators & Interpreters Ireland/Cumann Aistritheoirí agus Ateangairí na hÉireann (ATII) to its Professional Members (MATII). It serves as verification that the MATII meets the qualifications provided for in the standard. In conjunction with the stated continuing professional development (CPD) record of the MATII, this status aims to eliminate the need for translation service providers to ask ISO 17100:2015 Qualified members of the ATII for evidence of their qualifications and CPD record.

If you are a Professional Member of the ATII and are interested in applying for ISO 17100:2015 Qualified status, please see the information document and the application form below.