ATII Bulletin

The ATII Bulletin is an e-zine published by the ATII, bringing you news, articles and lot more from the world of translation and interpreting.

Contributions always welcome! To contribute to the ATII Bulletin, please write to the editor, Anne Larchet at:

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October 2009
  • Health Service Executive emergency multilingual aid
  • R&D into automated translation
  • Gaddafi’s UN interpreter hits a wall
  • UNESCO celebrates the Harry Potter effect
  • The cost of competing in the Polish market – Henry Grodsk
  • Concern over shortage of European Commission interpreters, especially for French
August 2009
  • Welsh makes it to Brussels
  • Dáil question re certification system for interpreters
  • Criminals to gain right to Translation and Interpreting services
  • Ever more language issues in Irish healthcare
  • Oxford University Press announces new Kafka translations
  • Gmail integrates automatic translation technology
  • UK councils’ translation costs in the headlines again
  • Court interpreter alleges racial discrimination
March 2009
  • Interpreters in Ireland must be employees – Mary Phelan
  • Translating pain into action: a study of gender-based violence in Ireland – Mary Phelan
  • European Commission concerned about lack of up and coming translators/interpreters
  • Minister’s questions in the Dáil on training for interpreters – Mary Phelan
  • Legal documents still not available in Irish – Mark Tighe
  • Scottish police accused of rights abuse over interpretation
  • Cornish translation by Nicholas Willliams of Alice in Wonderland
  • Polish driving licence causes embarrassment – Ruadhán Mac Cormaic
January 2009
  • Arts Council to cut Irish Writers Centre funding – Annette Schiller
  • Interpreting News – Garda tender process – Mary Phelan
  • Saving money on translators and interpreters – Susan Purcell
  • Murder case postponed in Galway for interpreter no-show – Martina Nee
  • Second EU translation contest winners announced
  • MEP discusses progress of Irish as official language
  • New blog for medical translation
  • New interpreting software for UK hospitals
November 2008
  • Iraqi interpreters banned from wearing masks
  • Garda complains about lack of interpreting standards in Ireland
  • Court case breaks down in Scotland over unqualified interpreter
  • Obituary: Jin Di
  • Irish Times interview with Word Perfect
October 2008
  • Garda tender for Translation and Interpreting Services
  • Interpreter removed from Irish court over affidavit conflict
  • Career questions – interview with Máire Nic Mhaoláin
  • Question on language for 2011 census – Mary Phelan
  • Report on 22nd ITIA Annual General Meeting
  • New research into language learning abilities
  • Obituaries – Henry Fischbach and Taheher Saffarzadeh
September 2008
  • Prix de la traduction littéraire winner Philip Mosley
  • Translation problem in Russia-Georgia peace plan
  • Death of ITIA honorary member Seán MacMathghamhna
  • The idiom: yesterday’s news – Paul Allen
  • Open Letter – Publishing house dedicated to literature in translation
  • MT company sees bright future
  • Murder case based on faulty Turkish-English translation
  • European Commission threatens Irish State with legal action over Lionbridge contract – Jamie Smyth
August 2008
  • Quran translator passes away
  • Report on FIT World Congress, Shanghai – Elizabeth Hayes
  • Interview with João Esteves-Ferreira, president of FIT Europe
  • A Medical Interpreter’s Guide to Telephone Interpreting by Nataly Kelly
  • New UK freelance qualified interpreter pay rates
  • Asylum and language analysis in Ireland
  • Conference Report – XIII Euralex International Congress

Please note: Due to a data privacy issue, some ATII Bulletins for 2012 and earlier years have been redacted.

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