ATII Bulletin

The ATII Bulletin is an e-zine published by the ATII, bringing you news, articles and lot more from the world of translation and interpreting.

Contributions always welcome! To contribute to the ATII Bulletin, please write to the editor, Anne Larchet at:

To subscribe to the ATII Bulletin, please see further down below.

  • Albanian literature in translation
  • Recent developments in Spanish-Irish poetry translation
  • Report on EULITA general assembly
  • A career as an EU translator
  • The battle of the translators: man v machine
  • Patient lost in translation
  • Translators for Journalists
  • Laghdú ar sheirbhísí ateangaireachta cúirte
  • FLAC Report review
  • Corkman who translated ‘Mein Kampf’
September 2014
  • Report on FIT Statutory Congress
  • Garda Síochána request for tender for interpreting services
  • Translation right or wrong
  • Irish-Chinese literature translation prize
  • European network to promote linguistic diversity
July 2014
  • Standards must be enforced (Australia)
  • Apps for interpreters
  • Second-class interpreting – Erika Gonzalez
  • The best-loved Canadian tale in Japan – Peter Dufree
  • Open letter to Dean Burnett, Amazon Crossing
  • RTÉ to begin audio description of ‘East Enders’
  • Review by John Kearns of ‘Kafka Translated’ by Michelle Woods Irish translation of ‘Dracula’
May 2014
  • Ontario association welcomes court interpreter testing as a good start
  • New EU directive on interpreting and translation in criminal proceedings
  • New agreement on fees and royalties for literary translators in Germany
  • The backstabbing translator by Konstantinos Stardelis
  • Report on 5th International Conference on Public Service Translation and Interpreting
  • Review of ‘The Irish District Court’ by Caroline O’Nolan
March 2014
  • Google admits ‘garbage in, garbage out’ translation problem
  • Irish speaker fails in bid to have bilingual jury for assault case
  • Child’s death led to major reform, says ambulance chief
  • Translating Mercè Rodoreda (TCD Centre for Literary Translation
December 2013
  • Commission warns on new legal translation law
  • Mandela sign language interpreter ‘faced murder charge
  • Results of independent survey of public service interpreters & further news on the MoJ contract
  • Anything can happen
  • Book Review: Game Localization: Translation for the Global Digital Entertainment Industry. Minako O’Hagan and Carmen Mangiron
  • Antonia Lloyd-Jones – A Public Interview
October 2013
  • Word for Word: Losing out on access to translations
  • Irish Novelist Catherine Dunne wins Boccacio International Prize
  • MEMOIR: Séamus Heaney R.I.P
  • Ergonomic Issues at the Professional Translation Workplace
  • Liam Ó Rinn
  • Potty Mouths and Prurience

Please note: Due to a data privacy issue, some ATII Bulletins for 2012 and earlier years have been redacted.

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